Friday, July 3, 2009

Fundraiser Friday - Car Wash

A car wash can be a fun and easy way to raise money for the Liver Life Walk! Check with centrally-located retailers, grocers and superstores for permission to hold a car wash in their parking lot – or hold one in your office parking lot. Typically, the best days to hold a car wash are on busy weekends when there will naturally be a lot of traffic increasing your ability to reach more people. You can either charge a set price or make it donation-based where the donor decides how much to pay for the car wash. Display sings promoting the car wash and promote it in advance as much as you can through your own personal network.

A church group “ended up washing eight cars and earning just about $50 each toward our goal” according to Travel Pod.

Car Wash How-To Help
Fundraiser Help
The Car Wash Guys
Step By Step Fundraising
Automobile Car Blog

Now grab a half a dozen of your friends, some hoses, sponges and soap and start scrubbing!


  1. Brooke,

    I love this little tid-bit fundraising idea in here! What a great idea to add links in there about fundraising and car washing. Very concise blog! Love it!


  2. Serea-thanks for the comment. There are lots of fun and easy ways to get others involved and raise money for the Liver Life Walk!
